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May 2023 Showcase

Phase 2 Project Showcase and Networking

Thursday, May 4, 2:00pm to 5:00pm ET
The event will include brief presentations on work that originated in Catalyst. The cohort in Phase 1 will share needs and potential solutions that are being validated and explored and Phase 2 teams will provide updates about the state of their projects. Many of the teams will be seeking collaborators and/or referrals, and all welcome advice. Some projects will be early in their journey; others are more mature, so it will be a window into how things can progress.

2:00–2:20pm ET

2:20–4:05 ET
Project presentations.

4:05–4:15 ET
Final remarks and transition to project booths.

4:15–5:00 ET
Networking in Gather.Town


Phase 1

Phase 2